Register by Texting
"FullName Birthday"
Example: "John Allen Doe 03071969"
Use your legal name (First Middle Last)
Format birthday MM DD YYYY or MMDDYYYY
Text "Settings" after for a link to add email, preferred name, address and other settings.
We use text messages for invites, scores and assignments.
Why Birthday?
- Lots of people have the same name. We need another identifier.
- Very few people are born the same month, day and year.
- It is the only thing that doesn't change. People change emails, phones and even names.
- It is easier to understand a date than the spelling of someone's name.
- Age/Birthdate is important in some of our activities.
- You can easily look up almost every celeberty, athlete, politician or neighbor's birthday online. It doesn't give you access to anything.
It is easier to look up someone by their birthday than try to spell their name.
CALL the phone number if you have problems.